Dyslexia Test for Teenager and Adults

Assessment Booking

*For adult assessments, please indicate if you are a university student and which university you attend. Thank you.

Almost an adult yet struggling with listening and reading? Know someone who is young, that you think could benefit from some extra support with their reading and writing? Maybe you need a dyslexia test for a teenager.

Welcome to Music Dyslexia - where talking about struggles is never a taboo!


What Is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects how a person reads, writes, and spells. People with dyslexia may struggle with language processing. This can lead to difficulties with:


  • Decoding (sounding out words)
  • Encoding (spelling words)
  • Reading fluency
  • Reading comprehension


Most Common Signs Of Dyslexia In Teens

Here is a list of the symptoms for which you might need a dyslexia test for a teenager.


  • Difficulty reading aloud fluently
  • Mixing up similar-looking letters (b/d, p/q)
  • Transposing letters in words (bed/deb)
  • Slow reading speed
  • Poor spelling
  • Difficulty with written expression
  • Trouble summarising what they have read
  • Avoiding activities that involve a lot of reading


How To Get A Formal Diagnosis?

If you think you might have dyslexia, the next step is to see a qualified expert for a formal evaluation. Music Dyslexia is here to support you. We can also do various tests to check your reading, writing, spelling, and thinking skills. One such option is our dyslexia test for teenagers.


Remember, a dyslexia diagnosis isn’t a roadblock—it’s a roadmap. It helps you understand how you learn differently and find ways to thrive in school, university and beyond!


How Can Music Dyslexia Help You?

Music Dyslexia is a specialist company dedicated to supporting people of all ages who have dyslexia and other specific learning differences (SpLDs). Our team comprises experienced assessors and tutors who understand the challenges faced by people with dyslexia. That’s why we have developed a dyslexia test for teenagers designed to empower them to succeed.


Our Assessment Services


Dyslexia Assessments For All Ages

Music Dyslexia offers comprehensive dyslexia assessments for children aged seven and above. Our assessments are meant to identify dyslexia and its traits. These tests enable a tailored support plan.


Guaranteed Report Delivery

You can trust Music Dyslexia to receive a detailed report within three weeks of the assessment. This report will show your loved one’s strengths and things they perhaps struggle with. It will give valuable insights for parents, teachers, and individuals.


Reliable and Confidential

We prioritise both reliability and confidentiality. Qualified professionals conduct our assessments. We treat all findings with great discretion.


Long-Term Validity

The reports we provide are valid throughout your child's educational journey. They are a valuable resource from primary school to university.


Enhanced DBS Certificate

All assessors have an enhanced DBS certificate for extra peace of mind. This ensures the safety and well-being of every client.


Flexible Assessment Options

You can choose between a face-to-face assessment at home or school, which offers a convenient and comfortable environment.


Competitive Pricing

You can find the most accurate dyslexia test for teenager results competitively priced at £500.


Comprehensive SpLD Assessments for Adults

We recognise that dyslexia isn't limited to childhood. We offer comprehensive SpLD assessments for adults, including evaluations for ADHD and DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder). These assessments can help adults better understand their learning differences and devise strategies for overcoming challenges in everyday life and at work.


DSA Assessments and Remote Options

Music Dyslexia also offers the DSA assessment. University students with dyslexia can benefit from it. A positive assessment grants access to Disabled Students allowances.


They provide financial support for assistive technologies and other accommodations during university studies. Additionally, we embrace tech advancements and offer remote assessments, allowing for more flexibility.


Music-Based Dyslexia Tuition

At Music Dyslexia, we help people with dyslexia learn in a fun way using music! We play rhythm games, sing songs, and do other musical activities to make reading and writing easier. We make unique plans for each person so that you learn most suitably. Our classes are happy and exciting, which will help you feel good about yourself and improve at reading and writing.

Music Dyslexia offers individual tuition sessions at £45 per session. We also cater to small groups, with special pricing for larger groups.

So, contact us and let’s discuss which dyslexia test for teenager you may need!